This past week, Giggle and Riot Funbooths had the pleasure of having a photo booth for the Phoebe Hearst Elementary School. We were so happy to be in Sonoma for a fun photo booth rental. We had a photo booth at THE EVENT 2015, Phoebe Hearst’s first dinner and auction.
Phoebe Hearst offers two programs: Basic and GATE. These programs function together with students sharing common recesses, lunchtimes, field trips and school-wide activities. These programs have their unique characteristics, but operate seamlessly together on campus.
A major emphasis of the Basic School Program is the development of academic skills and good study habits. Students must meet admission criteria to be accepted to the lottery for the Basic Program. The overall goal of the school staff is to bring together the most successful traditional and new methods of instruction which emphasize academic skills and good study habits. Parental support at home contributes to children’s success in this rigorous program. A collaborative relationship between parents and teachers creates ideal conditions for student learning and high levels of achievement. Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) supports excellence through a program that specifically addresses the needs of gifted children. The program at Phoebe Hearst provides basic skills instruction, enrichment, acceleration and in-depth learning experiences for the more academically able student.
We didn’t know that Sonoma was so much fun! Look at the photos we got at this Sonoma event!
Photo booths are always so much fun because they capture the candid moments of the evening. People are never too shy to step into the photo booth and bust out a smile. Great photo booth photos Sonoma!
Photo booths are also super fun for selfies!! Our best photos are frequently selfies and they’re always so hilarious!
THE EVENT will be Phoebe Hearst’s first dinner and auction. The funds raised at THE EVENT will go toward PTO’s goal of funding a mobile computer lab (serving the entire student body) and 3-5 computer stations in every classroom. All proceeds from the EVENT go straight to our goal of putting computers in the hands of all Phoebe Hearst Elementary students. Thanks Sonoma, we had a great time!
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